Collaboration on Academic Research Support among Five African Universities

  • F. N. Ubogu University Librarian, University of the Witwatersrand Library, Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • M. Van den Heever Principal Research Librarian, University of the Witwatersrand Library, Johannesburg, South Africa.


This paper reports on an initiative, funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, to provide five universities in three African countries with essential modern webbased research performance measurement tools. The strategic objectives of the project are to develop and strengthen institutional research performance; strengthen and improve research management processes; allow the participating universities to identify research strengths and weaknesses in specific faculties, schools and disciplines and to determine research priorities; assist participating universities in identifying regional and international research collaborators, identifying areas of research investment and funding, strategic planning, benchmarking, and assessing researchers for tenure and recruitment.   The vendors of InCites and SciVal were invited to a one day meeting and were required to address some broad functional areas of research performance measurement. The vendors also provided trial access to the tools to enable the universities to undertake individual evaluations in their institutions.  The project so far has shown new dynamics among different stakeholders in some of the participating universities. The process of assessing the research performance measurement tool brought together academics, staff of the research office and librarians. At this early stage, it is evident that the project represents a high level opportunity for librarians to add value and reinforce their role in the university’s research life cycle, acquire new skills and forge collaborative relationships with academics, postgraduates, researchers and institutional research support entities. 

How to Cite
UBOGU, F. N.; VAN DEN HEEVER, M.. Collaboration on Academic Research Support among Five African Universities. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 207-219, may 2017. ISSN 2241-1925. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.