The Mutual Shaping of Social Networks, Learning Experiences, and Literacies: The Methods Revisited

  • Juan Daniel Machin Mastromatteo PhD Candidate in Information Science, Institute of Information Studies, Tallinn University


This paper is a follow up to the paper Studying the Influence (or Mutual Shaping) of Social Networks in a Learning Experience: Methods for a Pilot Study, which was presented in QQML 2011. It summarizes some of the developments that have taken place within this doctoral research after its pilot study, specifically, the methodological refinements done in order to conduct the final study. The research aims were related to determining: significant issues, challenges and opportunities emerging from the integration of social networks in a higher education learning environment; how students experience learning under such conditions; to determine if their literacies affect the way they face this type of learning experience; and how social networks and learning experiences can be mutually shape one another. The method used in this research is participatory action research. With this methodological approach, a series of learning interventions were planned. These were comprised of three physical meetings and different assignments between. The participants of this study were a complete income of an international master course, divided in four teams. All students were actively involved in all the activities and filled the survey and the questionnaires; the participants interviewed were four team leaders, chosen by their own teams. The instruments used for the collection of data were: a diagnostic survey, online and offline forums, students‟ reports, questionnaires and semi structured interviews. The method for analyzing data was content analysis and so a framework of categories could be created to provide an order and present the data. The last part of this paper presents a preliminary list of such categories. 

How to Cite
MASTROMATTEO, Juan Daniel Machin. The Mutual Shaping of Social Networks, Learning Experiences, and Literacies: The Methods Revisited. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 195-205, may 2017. ISSN 2241-1925. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.