Citation Distributions in Synthetic Biology Literature Output During 2005-2019

  • Naheem KT Pondicherry University
  • Sivaraman P Annamalai University
  • Saravanan G French Institute of Pondicherry


The study highlights the distribution citations in global synthetic biology research output during 2005-2019. The primary data for the analysis were retrieved from the Web of Science core collection database. This study illustrates various vital aspects like – year-wise distribution of citations, relative growth rate and doubling time of citations, citation per paper, citation pattern, distribution of cited and non-cited publications, and highly cited publications in Synthetic Biology. The results revealed that the publications on Synthetic Biology attracted a reasonably good number of citations during the period under evaluation. A total of 12012 publications received 329631 citations with an average number of citations per publication value of 27.44. Around 90.27 percent of total publications was received at least one or more citations. The reaming 1169 (9.73%) publications didn't have any citations. It was found that the relative growth rate of citations decreased steadily. At the same time, the value of doubling the time of citations was increased during this period.

Author Biographies

Sivaraman P, Annamalai University


Saravanan G, French Institute of Pondicherry


How to Cite
KT, Naheem; P, Sivaraman; G, Saravanan. Citation Distributions in Synthetic Biology Literature Output During 2005-2019. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 291-306, june 2022. ISSN 2241-1925. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.